Chairman : Giorgia Meloni, MP.
Azione Giovani is the official Youth movement of Alleanza Nazionale.
Azione Giovani (AG) pursues the aim to guarantee the dignity and the interests of all the Italian youth. Azione Giovani commits itself to spread among the new generations the essential values of national identity in a wider European perspective, in coherent adherence to the traditional values of the Italian people.
AG is a national, not nationalist, movement that believes in the existence of a common European nation. It has a humanistic conception of the individual recognizing his close links with the community in which he lives and confronts himself.
AG recognizes and values the inseparable link between freedom and individual responsibility, it distinguishes the unavoidable requirement of justice and solidarity of the communities towards who is in difficulty from disincentivating assistentialism which is disrespectful of the human dignity.
AG defends life from every kind of nihilism. It is engaged in the preservation of the environment and its equilibriums, fights all the Mafias and their oppression on society which mortifies the hope of the youth by destroying their opportunities. It fights the culture of death defending the freedom of the youth from the slavery deriving from every kind of drug.
AG promotes economic freedom and enterprise, it defends hardworking people who produces, recognizing the supremacy of politics on the economy. It puts particular attention to the protection of the rights of young working people, recognizing in the flexibility an opportunity of growth that does not have to degenerate in a precarious situation which in fact prevents the young generations to form a family, which is the principal link on which the society is founded.
The student politics of AG is carried out in the schools and in the athenaeums using two different acronyms: Azione Studentesca (AS) in the schools, Azione Universitaria (AU) in the Athenaeums.
AS considers the school as the place in which the adolescents form the bases for the construction of their own identity, not only as an instrument of cultural growth. AS believes in a free school, whether it is public or private, as a location of valorization and stimulus for students and teachers and not as merely a location for indoctrination.
AU believes in a free, independent and efficient university, which guarantees everyone the right to study and that adopts meritocratic criteria in the comparisons of the students and in the selection of the academics. AU sees in research the point of departure for the development of the new European society aiming to offer major opportunities to the new generations in order to win the challenge of global competition. AU retains indispensable the exchange between European students in appropriate international campuses, in order to create a strong European identity based on the national identities, the traditions of the peoples and the culture that they represent.
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